Antunes Baby Shower Picnic
Let's shower Paula and Matheus with love.
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The story of the early church in the New Testament is a story of the ever-expanding circle of those included in the community of Jesus. We believe that circle expands to include all people.
Because we are followers of Jesus, First Baptist Church Halifax welcomes all people into the full life of the church community. This means we will not discriminate on the grounds of, and including but not limited to: gender, age, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, disability, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, or economic circumstances.
We really do want you to join us. Our diversity helps us all expand our understandings of God.
FBCH has been a loving and accepting place for me and my late husband Lorne, and singing in the senior choir is always a joy under Lynette's leadership. I love the various levels of musical styles in the repertoire which keeps the choir challenged and motivated.