Speaking of the Auxiliary….

Speaking of the Auxiliary….

Speaking of the Auxiliary….

2023 marks the 120th Anniversary of the FBCH Auxiliary.

While we know from records that women have been contributing to the church and community since the early 1800’s (2027 marks the 200th Anniversary of FBCH), it was 1903 before the first formal documentation recognizied the organization of the Auxiliary.

So, why such a big push in recognition of our 120th Anniversary?

Well, we think the time is right! These last number of years have taken their toll on all of us.  We have lost a number of long-standing Auxiliary members and more recent Covid-restrictions reduced our ability to come together for fellowship and to offer a few of our much-anticipated events, including our Christmas Tea and Sale.  We have missed a lot.

That being said, we are excited to have this opportunity to share what we do, why we do it, and to profile the good works of the Auxiliary.  We are looking to the future with fresh eyes and a renewed focus.

This year will give us the opportunity to tell our story, in both words and actions. (Please Click Here to access the Evolution of the FBCH Auxiliaries  as published in 2022.  This provides a wonderful overview of all that has come before.)  Some of  you may have an idea of what we do, but it may not be the complete picture.  While we actively support the mission of FBCH, we also provide caring support to each other, and others in the community.  Fellowship is a huge part of who we are! 

We are hoping people will become curious about what we do and join us in some capacity.  

  • We invite you to come and enjoy our guest speakers, and/or join us for one of our meetings.
  • We ask you to find out what we do that might fit with your interests, or to bring a new interest to us.
  • We ask you to consider becoming a member, or sign-on to help with specific tasks/events (Auxiliary Helper).  

We know not everyone likes the idea of meetings, or can’t join us during the day due to work/family commitments; however, our experiences also tell us there any many who will enthusiastically volunteer when asked, step-up to help with a specific event or in a specific role, join us for a planned activity, and others who will gladly support us throughout our fundraising endeavors.   We are hoping some of you will consider a future commitment to the Auxiliary and become a member or a recognized “helper.” 

For this next year, we will publish short submissions on our celebrations, as well as past and present accomplishments.  Tune into Speaking of the Auxiliary… to read interviews and words of wisdom from our senior members about what the Auxiliary has meant to them, how world situations shaped our choices, the fun times we have shared, and much, much more.   


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