Holy Week Stations of Peter
Allow Peter to be your guide as you journey to the cross.
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Some of you have probably noticed by now the small art exhibit that is on display in the North Transept of our sanctuary. Because our last art exhibit, Art in the Time of Covid, was so well received we decided to try something similar for Advent. If you visit the transept you’ll notice printed images to help guide us through the Christmas Story. These images were printed with permission from A Sanctified Art – a liturgy resource we’ve used several times here at FBCH.
If you’re able to join us in person on a Sunday morning I encourage you to spend some time with the art and reflect on the Christmas story. You might even write a prayer to add to our Advent Tree while you’re visiting!
If you’re unable to join us in person this resource is also available to download. Here you’ll find a booklet put together that features Rusty’s Advent Reflection, the artwork that hangs on our walls, as well as artist statements on each of the pieces. There is also a guide for a spiritual practice known as Visio Divina (Latin for ‘divine seeing’).
My hope is that this simple resource will help you to pause during this busy season and reflect on this ancient story.
Please click the link below to access the Advent Christmas Art Exhibit booklet.
In Faith,