Speaking of the Auxiliary…
In the fourth blog post in the Speaking of the Auxiliary... series current Auxiliary President Peggy Dunbar talks about the meaningful experience of being part of the Auxiliary.
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120th Anniversary Celebration Blog Part 2
By Frank McGill, President of the Auxiliary 2016 – 2018
I remember . . . after convening a successful Tea and Sale fundraiser, Joanne Stonehouse approaching me to be the vice-President of the Auxiliary (I had only been a member for a year). I knew that being the Vice meant being the President in two years, well only one year plus as this was already December. I talked to Sharon and we decided together that it would not impact her membership and I would help pave the road for other men to become involved with the Auxiliary. My answer, based on these two reasons was, Yes. I was assured that the year as Vice was a learning year and that, the Past President, who was Joanne Stonehouse, would help me if I ran into trouble. Well March came and Marlene Dexter who was President flew off to Florida leaving me to chair the March meeting. Well together we got through it. I must say I had a wonderful person in Shealagh McGrath who sat to my right hand and always ready to help by email.
I remember . . . the warm and wonderful fellowship around the sweet table with its coffee and tea offering following each meeting. Several of the members at each meeting would volunteer to make sweets to go with the coffee and tea, BUT the fellowship of the people present made it a memorable occasion.
I remember . . . the meeting before the actual debate on the Auxiliary’s contribution to the new piano when two delegates arrived, one from the Music Committee, Lynette Wahlstrom and two Olga Milosevich, who was in charge of their fundraising. The membership would or could not wait for another month for the debate (I think because of the presence of these two people) a motion was made, duly seconded, to contribute $1,000.00 to the Music Committee’s efforts. Well, the debate waged on. It was difficult, as chair, to have the original motion amended to reflect the wishes of the membership. In all the hubbub, as chair, I forgot to have the proponents Lynette and Olga leave the room for the debate and vote (by secret ballot). Oh well this amended motion is now in the books and along with Special Guest Speakers, which included the Tummers’ and a wonderful slide show on their trip to India – “In the Footsteps of John”.
These are only some of the memorable highlights of my tenure as President.
I would like to say in closing, that to date, there has been no interest shown by our male population to join the FBCH Auxiliary, but a few are willing to help as needed. Come on guys it’s a great experience!