PRC Update

PRC Update

Click this link to a PRC Update report that presents the PRC findings from investigating the best use of our Congregation’s real property assets in support of our Ministries (please note it might take a minute for the website  to upload the report after you click the link).

Should congregants wish a printed copy of the Update they will be available in the Narthex on Sunday mornings. Also, you may telephone the Church (902) 422-5203 or email Jean to make arrangements to receive a printed copy.

You are invited to sign-up for an in-person group meeting hosted by PRC Co-Chairs Jim Stanley and David Dexter. This will be the opportunity to participate in a fulsome discussion about the Update report, provide feedback and tour the Church.

Click here to register for one of the sessions using the online tool “Sign-Up Genius.”
Session Dates:

Saturday September 18 at 10:30 am – 12 noon
Sunday September 19 at 12 noon-1:30 pm (child care provided)
Tuesday September 21 at 10:30 am – 12 noon

The PRC looks forward to your participation and to gathering opinions on the important subject of property redevelopment!

Congregational Conversation Sunday October 3 at 11:15 am via Zoom and Church In-person
The PRC will host a dialogue session and report to congregants on the feedback received from the leadership and congregational information sessions held to review the PRC’s Update report.  Co-Chairs Jim Stanley and David Dexter will outline the next steps in the process as congregants consider the redevelopment option. Congregants will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide additional feedback. No vote will be held at this meeting. A Zoom meeting link will be sent by email and there will be the regular in-Church service registration available for those meeting in person.


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