Casavant Opus #1994 (1950)(1967)
J. Jean Girouard (1984), Console Rebuild (2001) Hugh Knapton & Son, MS8400 Syndyne computer system installed 2022 by Robert Hiller, of AT Jackson
- Stopped Flute 8′
- Vox Coelestis 8′
- Viola da Gamba 8′
- Principal 4′
- Flauto Traverso 4′
- Piccolo 2′
- Sharff IV 1′
- Bassoon 16′
- Trompette 8′
- Clarion 4′
- Swell Sub
- Unison Off
- Swell Super
- Tremulant
- Principal 8′
- Hohl Flute 8′
- Octave 4′
- Chimney Flute 4′
- Quinite 2 2/3′
- Super Octave 2′
- Mixture V 1 1/3′
- Trompette 8′
- Great Sub
- Unison Off
- Great Super
- Great to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal
- Choir to Pedal
- Great Super to Pedal
- Swell Super to Pedal
- Choir Super to Pedal
- Swell Sub to Great
- Swell to Great
- Swell Super to Great
- Choir Sub to Great
- Choir to Great
- Choir Super to Great
- Swell Sub to Choir
- Swell to Choir
- Swell Super to Choir
- Great & Choir Transfer
- Expressions Coupled
- Great & Pedal Pistons Coupled
- Adjustable Bench
- 32 Levels of Memory, Shaw Organ Controls
- Bordun 8′
- Preastant 4′
- Spindle Flute 4′
- Sesquialtera II 2 2/3′
- Recorder 2′
- Quinite 1 1/3′
- Cremona 8′
- Choir Sub
- Unison Off
- Choir Super
- Tremulant
- Zimbelstern
- Colwell Chimes
- Resultant 32′
- Principal 16′
- Bordun 16′
- Principal 8′
- Octave 8′
- Stopped Flute 8
- Choral Bass 4′
- Mixture IV 2′
- Trombone 16′
- Bassoon 16′ (sw)
Thumb Pistons
- 8 to General
- 6 to Swell
- 6 to Great
- 6 to Choir
- 6 to Pedal
Reversible Thumb Pistons
- Swell to Pedal
- Great to Pedal
- Choir to Pedal
- Swell to Great
- Choir to Great
- Swell to Choir
Toe Pistons
- 8 to General
- Reversible Toe Pistons
Resultant 32′
Trombone 16′
Full Organ