Jesus called us to follow in his way. The way of Jesus is summed up best in his own words at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel: I have come to bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives, and to let the oppressed go free.
Volunteering with outreach/social justice at FBCH fills me with hope and offers me the chance to give something back to my community and make a difference to the people around me. Hopefully, providing a helping hand will change someone’s life. It certainly changes my life. The Bible says: “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10
At FBCH we do justice as we extend love to our neighbours in tangible ways and as an advocate for systemic changes in our city, province, nation and world. Recently, we have also begun to talk about the work of ecological justice, recognizing our call to be caretakers of creation.
In addition to hands-on support and local advocacy, we provide financial support to non-profits working for justice including local projects like The Youth Project and global justice and peace-making work supported through Canadian Baptist Ministries.
When attempting to pay it forward on a social justice project I have found that I gain much more than I have ever given.
How might you connect to justice work through FBCH?
These are just a few of the ways you might get involved:
- Serve alongside our Refugee and Newcomers Committee
- Cook breakfast on a Saturday at the Brunswick Street Mission
- Prepare a casserole for the Sunday evening ARK supper—and stay and help serve our neighbours who come to eat
- Bring food for the food trunk on Sunday morning as part of your offering
- Participate in advocacy discussion and work within our community
- Join the conversation about faith and ecological well being
We also celebrate that many people actively involved at FBCH volunteer their time throughout our community. Members serve on local non-profit boards, and regularly give time in service to our neighbours. If you need help finding a place to connect to justice work in Halifax, we will be happy to assist. If you are already actively serving, we would love to hear your story.
Read here the lovely note our volunteers received from the Herring Cove Apartments. This is an example of the responses we receive when we deliver a home cooked meal to the residents. It shows how anyone in our congregation can get involved in making a difference in our community!
Helping friends at FBCH cook for the Brunswick Street Breakfast, march in the Pride Parade, and serve at the ARK Supper helps me understand Jesus better.